Systemic Family Constellations entered my life when I started healing my thyroid. I started looking at it as something that was part of me. It is a method that I immediately fell in love with and it brought me a huge openness to the world. In a way, it took away the rose-colored glasses of my world, and elevated me (and elevates me every day) to the next level of myself and my life.
In life we have various connections with our family system which, even if we are not fully aware of it, transform us into an integral part of family patterns that span generations.
Constellations act act layer by layer, at the transpersonal level layer of your being and bring profoundly wonderful discoveries and outcomes.

Are Systemic Family Constellations for me?
I recommend Family Constellations to anyone who feels blocked in some area of their life. In general, Family Constellations are applied in situations of:
- relational difficulties;
- professional difficulties;
- physical illnesses;
- relationship with the Self;
- challenging emotions;
- economic, financial difficulties;
- and so much more.
Family Constellations do not replace psychological or psychiatric support in the case of a psychological illness or disorder.
I always prioritize personal support, according to each topic and each person who comes to me, so I can suggest support sessions to you in order to support you in a more consistent and professional way.
It is also possible to carry out Systemic Family Constellations consultations for children and adolescents, send me an email to to find out more.
More than a Therapeutic Method, Constellations are a philosophy of life!
Constellations are a Systemic Therapy method that views the individual as a whole.
They aim to resolve psychologically and emotionally conflicting issues of an individual through a conscious, humane, and considerate view of interpersonal relationships within their family of origin.
In resolving the conflict of the individual who seeks and undergoes this therapy, there may also be movement at the family level, which can bring reorganization and greater balance at this level.
I conduct individual sessions online via video call or in person in the UAE.
The sessions I conduct are therapeutic paths. Although systemic consciousness is always the foundational approach in these sessions, they will always respect your time and the time and openness of your system. For therapeutic reasons, more than one session may sometimes be necessary to resolve the issue you bring, and complementary sessions may be suggested. Always based on your freedom to choose your therapeutic path, my desire is to serve you and your system with the best therapeutic path. This path is individual and subjective, and will therefore always be respected and guided accordingly.
Investment: €130,00 (or 500 AED) per session (VAT included).
Session duration: between 60 to 90minutes.
If you live in the UAE and would like to have access to an in-person session, please send me an email at to learn about conditions and availability.
Book your session here
If you have any further questions, please send me an email to